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  • savangelique

Journal No. 19


  • First, re-read the assignment sheet for Writing Project #5, paying close attention to the types of websites that are suitable for the assignment.

  • Second, pick three websites that seem interesting to you (and meet the assignment parameters for type of website).

  • Third, for each website make a list of strategies you are able to find easily & quickly.

  • Fourth, for each list, sketch a summary that describes how the strategies imply a particular purpose (and what that purpose might be).

  • Finally, review your lists and summaries and make a judgment about which website would best lend itself to the Rhetorical Analysis assignment. (The more strategies you are able to identify on a website and the more clearly they imply a particular purpose, the easier it will be to do an in-depth rhetorical analysis).

ASU website

  • features college student stories at the head of the website to demonstrate success. (ethos)

  • employs many multimodal elements such as data or statistics such as, “top 25 worldwide for MBA entrepreneurship programs” (logos)

  • includes inspiring quotes (using pathos) such as “we are measured not by whom we exclude, but by whom we include and how they succeed”

Planned Parenthood website

  • multiple resources to get healthcare right now (kairos)

  • information, facts and statistics concerning women's reproductive health. (logos)

  • demonstrates their credibility with doctors on the forefront of their page, with a subheader, “better health. stronger future” (ethos)

  • under the “about us” page, a section reads, “Science-backed Education and Resources” (logos)

  • shares stores of people who needed and have gotten healthy abortions, stating they are valid stating, “Politics has no place in these decisions, and all of their stories deserve respect.” Also sharing Sams’ story: “"I will forever be grateful to Planned Parenthood for the opportunity to live again.” (pathos)

Because I am so passionate about this organization, I will find it fulfilling to discuss in the upcoming writing assignment, and the website offers a multitude of strategies used to imply a purpose.

Girl Scouts of America website

  • Offers an incentive to join girl scouts, “Once you become a Girl Scout, you can get a super cute bag for FREE with a My Girl Scout Kit purchase of $60 or more.” (kairos)

  • Shares, “It’s time to press play. Friendship. Adventures. Making a difference. It’s what you want for her. It’s what she wants for herself. She’s ready to go. Press play with Girl Scouts and watch her confidence soar.” (kairos)

  • employes photos of girls having fun, and working together.

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