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  • savangelique

WP No. 5 - Rhetorical Analysis

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

Planned Parenthood (PP for short) is a non-profit organization that provides a place to seek care and resources regarding reproductive and sexual health, operating in over 600 quality health centers across the U.S, they are a well-established organization focused on women's health, but they also provide medical care to anyone who needs it regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, political background, income, or immigration status. They provide quality, affordable health care for everyone.

The invoked audience of PP is, in theory, everyone. However, we know this can’t be entirely true due to physical limitations, and those who cannot obtain access to their website. However, for those equipped with wifi, a computer (or library) and have the physical ability to view or hear the elements of this website, they invoke you, or anyone who is in need of reproductive medical care, guidance, or information. For those who are against abortion, this website is not a recource to you, due to the demonized and politicized beleifs about women's reproductive rights. This website advocates, in particular, for women's reproductive rights, as such, women are typical among Planned Parenthood goers.

The visual and internal features, pages, and links of this website are easy to navigate and consume. With bright colors highlighting parts of texts and different modalities, it is very appealing to the eye, arranging a pleasing visual aesthetic. With quick links such as; “get care”, “learn”, “get involved”, and “search”, navigating this website is quite easy and efficient. Additionally, resources such as a “talk to a professional” chat help those who cannot visit a facility directly, who may need immediate—but not urgent—care. With a plethora of “learn more” buttons and icons, sexual education is at the forefront of their mission.

Planned Parenthood utilizes all rhetorical appeals; ethos, logos, and pathos, on their website. First, we have an overwhelming amount of facts, charts, and graphs showing the importance and factual evidence of certain reproductive health topics of importance. Take abortion for example, they reported information on the texas ban on abortion and why it is so harmful; “That means ANY person […] from ANY state can sue a person they believe helped someone get an abortion in Texas after 6 weeks. In exchange for their vigilante action, they collect at least $10,000 (plus legal expenses) from the person they sued for each successful claim. This abortion ban will block most safe abortion services in Texas and could also lead to the harassment of health center staff, patients, and anyone who helps a person get an abortion.” This lengthy quote shows how in depth Planned Parenthood will go in order to educate those on these important matters. This, and many other elements on this website are examples of logos (logic).

Another rhetorical appeal used by Planned Parenthoods’ website is ethos (credibility). The visuals of doctors with quotes, or crowds of people who are fighting for reproductive rights, holding #standwithPP signs, and wearing PP shirts suggest they are a credible organization, backed by doctors and activists, further encouraging website users to view PP in a positive light, known by many.

The last appeal is pathos (emotion), and boy are there a lot of elements showing some sort of emotion. Take their “Share Your Story” page, for example, where many of the patients share the positive, enlightening, and utmost helpful care they experienced by Planned Parenthood. Colleen says, “If I hadn’t gone to Planned Parenthood, I would not have gotten my diagnosis. I might not even be here today.” Showing that PP was there for her, when she needed it most, and without them, she might not be alive.

depicts a section of the website for chatting with a reproductive health proffessional
Screenshot taken from Planned Parenthood website

Lastly, with features such as “chat now” or “find a facility near you” or “STIs don’t wait”, PP is urging you to take the necessary steps to get immediate health care, an appeal known as kairos (opportune timing). They want you to receive care through them, and not anyone else, so that they can continue to be funded.

Further, their motto as stated on their website is, “Care. No matter what.” This translates to their overall invoked audience as anyone who needs care concerning sexual and reproductive health. Combined with part of their mission statement, “[To] Provide the high-quality inclusive and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services all people need and deserve — with respect and compassion.” Their goal, no matter the obstacles, is to give health care to anyone who needs it. However, the actual audience is typically women, especially women who need birth control, STI testing, emergency contriception, expert advice, and abortions.

This website is successful in reaching a demographic of people interested in learning, getting care, advice, resources, and facts regarding sexual and reproductive health. The context of this website employs many multimodal elements to support their demographic, or audience, as well as components to support their reasoning behind what they do and why they do it, using facts, evidence, credibility, and emotion by reaching out and touching those who need the help so desperately.

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