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  • savangelique

Journal No. 12

  • Your journal entry should describe some general revision directions indicated by your Talk-to. What stands out from your experience doing the activity? With the critical distance you generated, what seems like it needs to be changed in your context analysis draft?

  • Your entry should sketch a basic revision plan for the context analysis. Given the necessary revisions you just identified, what steps will you need to take to do a revision of your draft?

My Talk-To excersize helped me imagine different perspectives on my rough draft. Critical distance is something I hadnt tried before during the writing process, and I beleive it was extremely effective in helping me see my work for what it is. I think it was easy for me to complete and imagine what comments a professor would make about my work because im such a perfectionist. I already critique my work to the fullest; it’s a blessing and a curse. I do have some time contraints becuase this course is due within two weeks, so I’m trying my hardest to complete it, but It’s hard to half-ass something when I want everything I produce to be amazing 100% of the time. It was also easy to see my strengths in this peice because I do think I did a good job in describing how Twitter operates and how it truely does shape communication In ways I see every time I use it. Twitter really has become the place to go to catch up on the latest news, see what people are saying about it, and while you’re at it, look at related memes for further...research purposes...right?

Furthermore, I think my multimodal element really adds something to the text, showcasing how Twitter users are prompted to talk about current events. I did my research on Twitter regarding its resources for disabled users, and this text shows that I did so. I was careful in describing how disabled users are seen and able to use the platform proficiently, but I didn’t forget to include how the App could do better in adding elements to support the disabled community.

My plan to revise and edit this draft is read it over a few times, out loud and in my head, and change things as I see fit. I know I can do a bit more structurally, and replace a few repetitive words with better synonyms. I could retouch the introduction and conclusion, because this is something I particularly struggle with. I had my mother read over this draft, and she said she was a little bored. This is something I never want my readers to be. I hate boring essays, so I could add a little more umph to some paragraphs, maybe another multimodal element, since we are talking about a social media platform, there are plently multimodal elements to choose from - directly from the sorce. I could go with something from the @TwitterA11y account, where they talk about the efforts they have made to make a more accessible platform.

Overall, I don’t think I need to make any major changes to my draft because I am, for the most part, pleased with it. Minus a few grammatical errors, and structural elements, maybe another multimodal element for fun, because apparently its boring *ahem* mom.

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