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  • savangelique

Journal No. 16


  • First, try to make a list of all of your purposes in taking this course. Try to come up with all the reasons you decided to take this course and what you hoped/hope to accomplish in taking the course.

  • Second, try to group these purposes together based on contextual information. You might consider how your personal, professional, and academic contexts relate to your reasons for taking this course.

  • Finally, based on your grouping, what is your primary purpose in taking this course? How do you know based on the work you did in the previous two steps?

Reasons for taking this course:

-to feel smart.

-to go to earn credit towards a degree in college.

-to feel proud of myself for accomplishing a goal.

-to get better at writing.

In my personal life, starting college classes was hard for me at first, I was very bad at managing my time, and was soley focused on work. But now, I am more mature and ready to take on the challenges of working and being a student part-time, so it is a goal of mine To be in college and eventually get a degree, and this class serves that purpose. On a professional level, I would like to be more articulate and better at reading, writing, and speaking so I have a better chance of getting a job in the future. Academics are important to me, because I like to feel intelligent and continuously educating myself, so in this way, this class serves that purpose as well.

My primary purpose in this course (besides the obvious earning credit for my degree) is to become a better writer. Being a good writer gives you amost an upperhand in life, just like being beautiful or rich, it comes with power to know how to use words in any way you could imagine. I know this is my primary purpose in this course because being a good writer, in my opinion, is helpful in every aspect in life, professional, personal, or academic. I also think “being a good writer“ entails being proud of myself, getting a degree, and accomplishing a goal. I admire those who are well spoken, and can craft a sentence like a pro…even in an email. So far, I have achieved a whole new level of writing from this course. It has truly made me enjoy writing…which is something I never have said, and never thought I would. At the end of each assignment, I am proud of my work as a writer. I feel more sophisticated, worldly, and articulate.

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