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  • savangelique

Journal No. 8 - Literacy Narrative Outline

Updated: May 14, 2021

Tasks for Journal 8:

Tasks for Literacy Narrative Assignment:

  • Why was this assignment significant to you as a writer?

I was proud of the end product (at the time) and received a good grade.

I wrote about something so personal, and I told a story about my own mental health struggles, something I am so passionate about.

It allowed me to delve into my emotions and was therapeutic to write it in such a descriptive way.

  • What was this significant writing assignment about?

It describes the events that took place leading up to my major depressive episode, and why I was so sad

How and when I was first diagnosed and treated for depression.

Details of how I struggled mentally, every day, and going to therapy sessions.

How I got a 504 in place to help me with school,

and how I overcame my depression, and how I cope now.

  • What challenges did you face/overcome with this assignment?

I look at it now and realize I could rewrite it better, in better detail and make it flow a bit better.

time restrictions, due dates (something I still have difficulty with)

The nature of the assignment was to be as descriptive as possible, and retrospectively, I think describing emotions is more difficult than describing physical things, because most people find it hard to interpret and then articulate their feelings.

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