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  • savangelique

Journal No. 9

Updated: May 14, 2021

  • Your journal entry should draw on your reflections in the Peer Review and Reflection section of this week and list any revisions that you think need to happen before you submit your final draft.

  • Your entry should also consider your time constraints. Identify which revisions you can actually make given the other requirements of our class this week and any other time constraints you may have.

  • Finally, you should sketch a quick plan for your revisions. What will you do first, second, etc.? What is most important to accomplish in your draft revision and why?

My peer review was helpful, but not thorough. I would have enjoyed reading my peers’ thoughts on my work, however there were none to go off of. Somewhat to my suprise,I recieved an ”excellent“ grade in all categories. I knew I worked hard on this draft, so I am relieved to see such a good review. I wanted to see what exactly was good about my draft, instead of just scores. I like critical feedback, it helps me see what I can improve from a readers’ perspective. I am glad they enjoyed my writing, but I wanted to know exactly what elements they enjoyed, so I can base my Final Draft off of their praises, maybe include more of that specific element, or better, improve it even more.

After careful consideration, I think I may need to elevate my multimodal element a bit. It is too subtle for my liking, and not bold enough for my desired effect on my readers. Maybe adding two multimoadal elements would be benificial. I am thinking about adding a photo for additional effect, and so I have two to be graded. I am on a pretty short time crunch.`I have waited to finish this course until now, with barely three weeks left before my deadline. Things have been crazy in my life lately, I just finished renovating my backyard, then had my birthday party here while simultaniously in the middle of my promotion to shift lead at work; training. I am a professional procrastinator, but to my defense I actually was very busy. So, now that everything has subsided a bit, I can focus on completing this course before June 1st.

My next steps to complete my Final Draft include reading it once over, revising, changing anything that doesnt flow right, possibly adding more descriptive elements and/or adding more about my actual experience with depression to make it longer. I may not need to, but I will be checking for any any grammatical or punctuational errors to edit. Most importantly, I‘d like to add another multimodal element, such as a photo, or maybe a quote the actual essay I wrote, and expand on its importance to me as a writer. I dont think the one link to mental health recources is enough, nor does it stand out or look intentional to my readers. Then, once I think it is ready to be submitted, I will ask my neuroscientist best friend to review it and see if he likes it. verall, I am proud of my rough draft, and I am hopeful my Final Draft will appear polished.

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